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"Supa Zeru-jin!"
I suppose
what you're about to see is going to either fighten you completley, or make you laugh out loud, so I think I should explain.
Around April of 2000, I was coming off of my high from Final Fantasy 8. And I came across a site (which is in the links section) which had little gifs of the FF8 characters doing various things.
I had always thought one of Zell's Limit Breaks looked like something out of Dragonball Z, because he'd put his arms in a defensive position, and an aura would come around him. So whe n I saw the gif of him eating the hot dog, I got an idea, and, well...the rest you can see for yourself. I got most of the "ki" around the from the Super Famicom Dragonball Z games. After Zell, I wasn't content with letting the rest of them survive without suffering the same fate. I finished most of these during Spring Break, except the Laguna one, which I made for a friend weeks later.
The first...the greatest...
I'm not terribly proud of this one, but it WAS hard to edit out the sword.
I figured out that if I just keep him SSJ all the time, he could still retian flowing hair!
I'm probably more proud of this one than I am of Zell.
If you would like to use these images for
non-profit reasons, go ahead. Just be sure to give me, Sabacc, credit for
creating them.