GOD!! This is an absolute insult to otaku everywhere! Thank the good lord I saw this
series in its original Japanese format first. The original "Card Captors" series
has been so brutally battered and defiled into the horrible English dubs. Otaku out there:
NELVANA IS YOUR ENEMY! Never let them dub anime as long as there are stars in the sky.
In the Japanese series, the first episode began with Sakura's
dream of the Clow master, and at the end of each episode, the adorable Kero-chan would
have a short commentary explaining Sakura's costume and/or items used that day. However,
Card Captors shows Sakura capturing a card from a completely different episode, spoiling
the endings to ones not shown! Nelvana skipped the first five episodes and is showing the
English version in a different order! Names have been changed, and much has been cut out
from the original. What makes me rip my hair out the most was how these jerks completely
tarnished my favorite character: Tomoyo-chan! She was so sweet with her cute, high voice
in the Japanese series. Then they just had to lower the boom on me!
If you watch Card Captors, you won't find a character named
Tomoyo. They changed it to Madison! HOW DO YOU GET MADISON OUT OF TOMOYO?! Not only her
name, but her sweet and polite way of speaking was replaced by a teenybopper, Alicia
Silverstone, "Clueless-esque" voice. _("What-ever!") Oh, my dear
Tomoyo! Rest in peace. I bet you all know what I'm going to give this show, badly ruined
by Americans...
Pros: Absolutely none. Well, maybe the animation itself, but that's about it. (WATCH IT
Cons: Please see article. ENTIRE article. (I guess you weren't reading.)
The Final Verdict: ???
Mwah ha ha! NO STARS! This is by far the worst English dubbed anime since G-Force! It
deserves to be awarded with a big fat zero. God, I have nothing more to say. Take this
cursed dub and burn it at once!!