Use this
section to get the reviews on anime before you watch it! Our own anime reviewer, D-ko,
will give you the details on what to see and what to avoid like the plague ^_^ Enjoy!
The rating system used:
No! Keep it away! I'd rather
watch TV Dubs!
 Ehh....only if you're a die-hard fan or nothing else is on.
effort. Watch it if you get a chance.
   Wowza...this is good!
    I don't care who you are; watch this ASAP or sooner!
Tell D-ko what you think! Email her at:
Note: Opinions expressed by D-ko do
not necesserily reflect those of the BOHS Anime Club...but they're probably the same,
anyway. The smiley images were created by Sabacc. Ask permission first before using them,